Children with learning disabilities are often looked after by teachers, training centers or private schools. While this help is practical, it often requires the student’s academic performance. They may be upset that they spend more time with children than they do for their age. When students don’t get outside help, they come back. According to the latest research findings, children can undergo physiotherapy programs to continuously improve their learning ability. It is not a permanent program. With the success of the Neurological Dubai, students can be successful in the learning process without the need for outside help and without teachers, educational institutions, special education, etc.
Recently, brain-assisted learning has been actively discussed by Neurological Dubai. The emphasis is on understanding how the brain learns from this information and how it can be used to teach each student’s neurological strength. You may have heard the following phrase: “Everyone learns separately, so everyone learns differently. This may be true in theory, but we all know it rarely happens. It can be difficult for classroom teachers to teach each student differently. It has therefore remained a very good pedagogical school. The only problem with this is that only 80 students learn as much as possible.
If your child represents 20 percent of students and you are not doing well in regular classes, you might get upset, fall behind in school, or have trouble studying. These kids are just as smart as their classmates, but the more they learn, the clearer their brains become. This reaction often forces children to work hard with textbooks, learning centers, specialist resources and even special education in schools. Children need to “organize” their brains so that they can learn information more easily than they are taught.
Physiotherapy has been developed by a team of professionals and specialists of Neurological Dubai for over a decade after brain research. This innovative new approach is the result of a combination of intelligent ideas from neurologists, psychologists, educators, pediatricians, sociologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists. The first attempt at physical therapy in this area was made in 1988. The results have been surprisingly successful, and experiments and research are ongoing.
Studies of this evolutionary process aimed at improving learning problems have revealed important information about our brains. The brain regenerates completely throughout its life. It changes and improves in effect and in application. The whole brain is made up of newborn cells which, when performing certain brain-related exercises, adapt to weaknesses in order to improve their future functions. When practiced correctly, it strengthens the brain and improves learning ability. Therefore, when learning difficulties and disabilities are removed, motivation and behavior also improve.
Neurological Dubai is effective for students with dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder (ADD), poor reading or comprehension, poor memory and concentration, difficulty following instructions, hearing loss, etc. Don’t force “slow learners” to work hard to be successful in school. Helps develop a limited area of the brain to solve persistent learning problems.