Scan Ur Pics is a safe, hassle-free way to get your memories digitised. We handle all your photos with the utmost care and a professional touch, so that your memories can make the transition from the world of old media to the highly shareable, future-proof format which is digital media and immortalise them before they begin to fade away.
Our team is like our family. Our staff members are experienced and committed, united in our desire to provide exceptional service for our customers filled with professionalism and care. Family is a mindset that we extend to our customers too, with the promise that every photo will be handled delicately and looked after as if they were our own. At no stage is the process rushed or mishandled. From inspection and cataloguing to the scanning and conversion, the process is deliberate, thorough and professional.
As digital technology became an increasingly big part of our lives, we saw the unique ability of the medium to preserve and even renew photos, images and documents which would otherwise be subject to the fading and damage that comes with the passage of time. Our mission is to help you avoid this and to make sure your memories never fade, and this has led us to create the top digitisation and photo scanning service in Perth.