Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj Orthopedic Surgeon Breach Candy Hospital Contact is a familiar name in not just in Mumbai but all across the country. Thanks to his exposure and experience that make the man high competitive and skilled. Besides, his higher degrees like MS, FCPS (Ortho), D (Ortho), he has undergone a number of training and fellowship at prestigious places abroad, which include AO spine fellowship from UK, the Kenton Leatherman spine fellowship from Louisville University, the Y. Cotrel spine fellowship from France, the Kentucky with issues like spinal deformities, spinal tuberculosis and spinal tumors.  Get your appointment with the best orthopaedic surgeon in India Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj at Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India by sending your mail at dr.shekharbhojraj@jointsurgeryhospital.com or call us at +91-9860432255. We will get back to you with all the necessary details and information for further interaction.

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