Are we going to go sightseeing or would we rather remain in OSRS Items the city? Perhaps you’d like to go bowling or see a movie. Go on a bus tour of the city. All fantastic ideas. We went for the most effective idea – We went to Jagex and all got on computers to play RuneScape all together!
We had to separate and locate hotels near the airports we were leaving from. Water_is_Nat was there for dinner along with another incredible player. After we exchanged contact information and a few other details, it was time to fall asleep as we all had early morning flights to catch.
A few Jagex employees will receive my personal thank yous. This list should actually be 10 times longer than what it will be since everyone was awesome. Although only a handful of names are on here I feel a lot of love and appreciation for all of you.
Andrew Gower, Mark Gerhard Thank you for hosting us. The trip was fantastic. We were grateful for your time and willingness to address any questions we had. We were very comfortable and could communicate with you both. Thanks for everything!
Sarah Jane – Your organization of our trip, schedule and the party were incredible. I’m also amazed by your ability to handle the weather. Mod Hohbein It was simple for us to travel from one location and took care of Buy RS3 Gold us throughout our entire visit. You are awesome!